Phew! The students and I are all letting out a collective sigh of relief as we finished the Maryland State Assessments yesterday! Our class does not have anyone who needs to make up the test- thank-you so much for keeping your child healthy and getting them to school on time. The students all worked really hard and I was very proud of each and every one of them.
For the rest of this week and next week, we will be reading and writing realistic fiction stories. Students will continue reading their realistic fiction books at home for their book report project. In class, we are reading realistic fiction books in reading groups. This week we will also be beginning to draft our on realistic fiction stories. We will be illustrating them and publishing them in a class book to be shared with family and friends at the end of the year.
We are also continuing our study of electricity and things that produce energy in science. Last week, students experimented with friction and measured the temperatures of heat producing objects. Ask them about their experiments.
In social studies, we are studying the geography of North America- the United States in particular. Students will be locating major cities on the map and learning about the geographic characteristics of our continent.
Next week is the last week of marking period 3 and we move into the last ten weeks of the school year after Spring Break. I cannot believe how quickly this year has flown by. I am really looking forward to our upcoming field trips and fun through the Spring. I hope some of you will be able to come and enjoy them with us.
After Spring Break and the students turning in their book reports, we will get back to a regular schedule of spelling and homework. The spelling program has been adjusted a bit for the remainder of the year- more info. will soon follow! Over Spring Break, there is an extra cerdit packet your child can complete for coupons and a special treat. They should also continue to work on their book report projects.