Monday, October 6, 2014

Community Service Projects

This month, Grade 3 students have their first big take home project assignment: to complete a community service experience and present all about it to their classmates.

This Friday, the first portion of the project is due: students will turn in their plan for what type of community service experience they have selected and their timeline for getting the project completed by the October 28 due date.

You may have noticed that we are assigning slightly less homework this month because we want students working on high quality projects and presentations.

So far, two students have turned in some great project ideas.  Samantha plan to volunteer for the next two Sundays at a local food bank through her church.  Raquel is making bandannas for a local animal shelter to help dogs get adopted. Raquel is hoping to expand this project and collect bandannas from fellow Grade 3 students.  A flyer will be coming home about this with some information on what she is looking for.  If you have a crafty child who is looking for a fun rainy-day project, check it out!

Read more about the Montgomery County Humane Society