Friday, October 23, 2015

STEM In and Out of School

As you have probably noticed your child now receives a grade for "Engineering and Technology" every marking period in science. We are constantly examining how things work and how scientists improve on existing inventions and technologies. This will especially be a big focus in Marking Period 2.

This marking period, your child worked in a group in science to build a basic vehicle. Next week, they will design a wheel covering for their vehicle to meet a certain need- maybe as a parade float or a baby stroller, for example. This is a culminating activity after this marking period of examining forces of motion, speed, friction and texture and how all of these concepts go together. Here are some photos of our class working on their basic vehicles together- all Mrs. Cody did was power the hot glue gun- the rest was 100% done by the students.

STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) instruction is so important to prepare our kids for 21st century jobs and the kids LOVE it. At school, we are limited by the constraints of time, money and safety to doing as many STEM projects as I would like. Here are some great sites for suggestions of some cool activities and projects to try at home.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Halfway Through Marking Period 1!!!

On Wednesday, October 7, your child will receive their first progress report of the school year. This report gives you an idea of where they are at this point in the year. I am also attaching a few important documents to the progress report:
-A letter explaining the progress report and communicating any other concerns I may have at this time.
-A letter explaining a new reading at home program, Whooo's Reading with Learn 2 Earn, that our team will be piloting for the school this year. The letter explains how and where to sign your child up and to monitor their progress as the log their minutes of reading and reflect on it each night. If you and your child choose not to use this program, then they must fill in the standard Reading at Home chart, to be glued into their purple "Reading and Spelling Homework" notebook here at school. 
-A letter explaining a new math program, Xtra Math, we are going to try out inside and outside of school. Again, parents can choose to utilize this program at home and enter their personal e-mail to receive updates and reports on your child's progress. All students will be using the program in school in grades 3-5.

We are very excited
to use these 21st century learning tools in Grade 3!!!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns or to set up a conference time.
Soon, you will receive the first PTA Ice Page Issue for the school year. Be sure to check it out and read our Grade 3 updates. We are looking forward to seeing some great community service homework projects this month!

Here are some pictures of our hard workers showing off how efficient they can be at solving addition basic facts!