Thursday, January 28, 2016

Things to do to keep your brain busy!!!

Hi Everybody,

I miss you guys! I can't believe we've been out of school for a whole week and we won't see each other until Monday!!! I hope all of you had tons of fun playing in the snow and staying cozy inside.

I was sad to log in to Learn2Earn (Whooo's Reading) and see that very few of you are logging reading minutes right now- when I check it out on Monday at school, I expect to see lots of minutes logged by everyone! You should be reading for more than 20 minutes on days off from school. Keep your brain fit and in shape!

While you are enjoying your time off, remember to find time to study you multiplication facts and play some of the multiplication and division facts games here on my blog. You can also complete you Xtramath lesson to continue to work towards earning your next certificate!

Monday, January 4, 2016