Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Meeting with Parents

The beginning of this week was filled with parent teacher conferences and parents received our new report cards for the first time. I recognize that the new grading system is very different from what all of us are used to and it can be confusing at times.  I appreciate every one's patience as we all learn this new system together!

I really enjoyed meeting with all parents and getting to discuss their student's progress. Even though this conference was our only formal time to meet, please feel free to contact me anytime- by e-mail, phone or to set up a conference to chat.

Did you know that parent involvement (in any form) in a child's education is one of the major factors for success?  Read more about it: "How Parent Involvement Affects Student Achievement"

Since this week is "all about the parents", I wanted to share some parent resources I enjoy and think are useful.

MCPS's Parent Support Page

Helping Your Child Become a Stronger Reader

Helping with Math Homework

Growing Kids who Love Mathematics

Helping your Child be More Organized

Building Capacity for Focus

On the left side of the screen I will continue to add more games and resources for the kids to use that I find helpful.  I mentioned to many of you that I really think the Kahn Academy is a great resource to help your child when they are confused about a math skill- not only can they watch the video lesson but you can watch it, too- and it will give you real insight into how to build understanding of the concept with your child.

In anyway you support them at home, I appreciate all of the great work you are doing and your child is going to reap the benefits!

“We may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt

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