Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Grade 3 Memories

For an end of year project, students worked together to select a special event in third grade and create an article to report about it to parents and future third graders.  We collaborated with Mrs. Klinger, media specialist to write these articles and they are also on display on our bulletin board. Here are a few that were completed to share about some of our favorite parts of the year:
Multiplication Quiziez

By Adonay and Tyler


Multiplication is fun because you get to do fun warm ups. Most people are between the 5s-12s quizzes. Almost everybody loves multiplication. Multiplication is memorable because we need to know our facts when we are older. Multiplication is interesting because you do math flash math cards. When you know multiplication, it will be easier when you’re older. Multiplication is important because you need to know your facts when you are in a higher grade. And two people finished all there facts. And everybody else is knows their fours or higher.

It’s Puzzle Time

By: Ashley and Sie Samba

Today we are going to be talking about the puzzle. According to the survey we took more people like to do the puzzle. To do the puzzle we need 5 people. Also we have to make sure that when we do the puzzle we keep track of the pieces. Zareena Carillo says “I don’t really like the puzzle because it is to hard to do. I would rather draw on the whit boards. I don’t like tricky things!”. The puzzle is very challenging. It takes us about one week to finish the puzzle.    Sometimes we fight and not get along. Also sometimes the puzzle area is just empty. In my opinion I really like the puzzle. I also like the puzzle. The puzzle is memorable because we got to know each other better while doing it.
Natural History Museum field trip!!!

Sebastian and Bilal
We went to the Natural History Muesem on April 26, 2013.
It was memorable because of a zoo of insects and there was a tarachula feeding.
We saw old mammals and they slept in caves, and we had a fun lunch. Sebastian opinion is that I like it very much.
Bilal’s opinion is I learned a little more than I did before and I really like it.
Friday choice time
By: Isabel and Brianna
Friday choice time is awesome and only on Friday. It can be fun and funny. It is cool and it is only in the end of the day. An interesting or important detail is that you can draw on white boards, puzzles, stories, and origami. The Rules: are no running, No screaming, and no hitting. Isabel and Brianna think that choice time is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
The Daily Prophet
     Hi our names are Jordan & Zareena. We think the best part of the day is snack, 100% of the class likes snack. 0% of the class does not like snack. For example, Ashley said, “I like snack time because it`s like a mini-lunch before regular lunch, and I am usually so hungry!” Tamiya she said “ I like snack because lunch is so late and I am starving!” Bilal stated, “Snack tastes really good!” So it is clear that the entire class loves snack, including us! 
A  Realist Fiction book
By:Malia, Meklit      
Meklit and I (Malia) went around the class room and asking our classmates if they liked the realistic fiction books. 19 said they did like making the stories. One said I don’t like it because it is too much work. Another person said I like the stories because I thought it was awesome and I like to create books. We asked Tamiya and she said, "I like the stories because they had a lot of detail and I like details." And that is our report see you next year on good morning America!
Telling Time
Yohannes, Elijah
In 3rd grade we are talking about time. We learned about the hour hand and the minute hand. There is am. and pm. It happened in April. We had a paper about time. You could use time to go anywhere. It is memorable because it’s good to tell time and you will be ashamed if you don’t know it. Telling time is easy. Just learn.


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