Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Work, work, work!!!

We have been working hard across the past two weeks in Grade 3!!! We have been wrapping up our study of subtracting 3 digit numbers using a variety of strategies and solving challenging word problems.  In science, our study of forces of motion has culminated with groups constructing a basic vehicle and then designing different wheel covers to serve different purposes- ask your child what type of wheel they designed and how they did it.  Groups presented their work to the class. In reading, we have begun to read informational texts and are studying how to identify the main idea. Lastly, in Social Studies, students are beginning their community service project both in school with classmates and their at home, independent project directions went home this week as well.  If you haven't heard about the October homework project- ask your child about it tonight!

Here are some of our students working hard in the classroom:
Nico and Lindsay work together to assemble their basic vehicle.

Students use white boards in small group math to share their subtraction strategies.

Amaara and Talyah work together to complete their spelling center.

Nora and Darren  read directions carefully while building their basic vehicle.

Sharing addition strategies on our awesome Promethean Board!

Completing our seat work during small group math instruction.

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