Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Math Mania!!!

This week in math, students are working to review addition of 3 digit numbers, involving composing. We expect that all Grade 3 students will be able to solve these addition problems using a variety of strategies- and we hope that they demonstrate mastery of at least 2 strategies. Frequently, these 2 strategies are the "Mom and Dad" method- as one student called it- or the "Traditional" method, as I call it. Students line up the numbers vertically and add them up, beginning with the ones place. They "put the one up" when they compose a ten or a hundred, but they often do not know and cannot explain why they are doing that.

We teach strategies like the break apart method and "Draw It" to help them to be able to "see" why they are "putting that one up".

This is a review from Grade 2 and we will only be spending about a week on this. If your child is not fluent with their basic addition facts and does not add large numbers efficiently, please continue to practice this at home.

Here is some awesome collaboration going on during our math time- students worked in pairs and trios to determine if they needed to compose in a series of challenging addition problems and created a poster to demonstrate their understanding.

Just a reminder- Scholastic Book Orders are due on Monday, September 21st!!! You may use the link to the left of the screen to order online using the parent code "GYFMB" or you can send me cash or a check made out to Scholastic Books with your order form.  These books are reasonably priced, tax-free with free shipping and you help all third graders get more books in their classrooms as well by ordering!!!

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