Friday, June 17, 2016

Goodbye, Grade 3!!!

To the Parents of children in Mrs. Cody's class,

Each year, I am surprised by how quickly these 40 weeks of school go by, and this year is no exception!

All of the children in our class learned so much and grew and matured throughout the course of the year. I am so proud of all of their accomplishments and hard work.

Thank-you for letting me spend each day with your child!

To the Students in Mrs. Cody's class:

I am so proud of each and every one of you. The biggest and best lesson I have tried to teach you in Third Grade is to never give up and persist when things are challenging. This is the best way to learn and grow. One of my favorite quotes is: "If you aren't confused, you aren't learning!" Never give up on yourself. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to and try your best at.

It is crucial that you keep your mind working in the summer!!! Your brain is a muscle and it will get weaker- just like your arm muscles- if you aren't using it.

There are so many ways you can do this! You can:

-Complete your summer reading packet and math calendar- both came home from school on Thursday. You will get a special penguin point gift card from your 4th grade teacher if you do.

-Join the White Oak Library summer reading program!!! They always have lots of cool prizes- and tons of great book recommendations for your reading level.

-Play lots of online math games, from right here on my blog! You may also be able to continue using splash math.

-Try keeping a summer writing journal, or try to do all of the prompts in the June calendar across the summer. You have tons of space left in your school journals to use up!

-Complete your math homework workbook to keep your math skills sharp!

-If you didn't master all of your multiplication facts, practice, practice, practice! If you did, keep playing games so your don't forget any of those though facts!

And, of course, don't forget to have fun!!! Enjoy time with your friends and family and spend lots of time playing outside and being active!

I'm going to miss each and every one of you! Enjoy a wonderful and safe summer!
"Smart is not something you are, Smart is something you GET!"

Mrs. Cody

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Keep 'em Thinking!!!

Spring is in the air and it is time to get the kids outside and spend time being active!

Try during Spring Break to find ways to keep your brain thinking even though you aren't in school.

-Read a good book or two- all of those reading minutes count for our Page Read-A-Thon! Our class is currently in first place for having the most minutes read in the whole school :)

-Practice your multiplication facts! I can't wait to see who the first third graders to earn their 0-10's medals this year will be. Study up! You can also visit all of the different math sites through my blog so you keep working on those skills.

-Have a "Genius Hour" and research any topic that interests you! Teach our class something new when you get back to class.

-Going on a cool trip? Keep a journal while away and be ready to share some of your experiences with the class when you return!

-Work on your book report project, due on April 8!

-Try some neat science experiements! You can find so many online to try out. If you find a good one, be sure to share it with Mrs. Cody!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Black History Month Project!

Here are some resources to help you complete your Black History Month Project:

Sites you will need the MCPS log-in for:
Remember, the final project is due on February 26, 2016. There will be no additional paper homework or spelling assignments during this week. Reading each night is still (and always!) required!

The parade is during our special assembly, Monday, February 29 at 2pm.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Things to do to keep your brain busy!!!

Hi Everybody,

I miss you guys! I can't believe we've been out of school for a whole week and we won't see each other until Monday!!! I hope all of you had tons of fun playing in the snow and staying cozy inside.

I was sad to log in to Learn2Earn (Whooo's Reading) and see that very few of you are logging reading minutes right now- when I check it out on Monday at school, I expect to see lots of minutes logged by everyone! You should be reading for more than 20 minutes on days off from school. Keep your brain fit and in shape!

While you are enjoying your time off, remember to find time to study you multiplication facts and play some of the multiplication and division facts games here on my blog. You can also complete you Xtramath lesson to continue to work towards earning your next certificate!

Monday, January 4, 2016