Spring is in the air and it is time to get the kids outside and spend time being active!
Try during Spring Break to find ways to keep your brain thinking even though you aren't in school.
-Read a good book or two- all of those reading minutes count for our Page Read-A-Thon! Our class is currently in first place for having the most minutes read in the whole school :)
-Practice your multiplication facts! I can't wait to see who the first third graders to earn their 0-10's medals this year will be. Study up! You can also visit all of the different math sites through my blog so you keep working on those skills.
-Have a "Genius Hour" and research any topic that interests you! Teach our class something new when you get back to class.
-Going on a cool trip? Keep a journal while away and be ready to share some of your experiences with the class when you return!
-Work on your book report project, due on April 8!
-Try some neat science experiements! You can find so many online to try out. If you find a good one, be sure to share it with Mrs. Cody!
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