Monday, October 8, 2012

A Special Visitor

Last Thursday, Grade 3 had a special visitor- Nancy Navarro from the County Council! We have been studying the role of local government in social studies. We have spent a lot of time over the past two weeks studying the members of the county council and what each committee does for our community.

Nancy Navarro came and spoke to all 3 classes about her childhood and how she came to be involved in local politics.  She spoke about how she is proud to be the first Latina involved in local politics here in our county and also about how much she enjoys helping people and working to improve our community. The children asked her thoughtful questions and are working hard this week to write her a nice thank you letter.

Congratulations to Jordan and Yohannes, our Class Representatives for this school year.  I was so proud of everyone's hard work! This is going to be a great year for our Student Government! 

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