Monday, October 15, 2012

Week 7

Last week we worked on many things across all subject areas.

In reading, we read a book called The Backpack Tax that was a realistic fiction story that taught about the three kinds of taxes and what they are used for.  We practiced identifying the main idea and the details within the story.  This was a great text that connects to social studies: Nancy Navarro had talked to us about taxes and how they are spent the week before and we will be beginning our study of Economics in social studies this week.

In math, we continued to practice multiplying using a variety of strategies to get the answer.  This week, we will be focusing on division and fact families with multiplication and division.  Students will begin to take timed quizzes on their basic multiplication facts and track their own progress this week.

Brianna has become quite the author in her spare time at home and brought in her second book to share with the class.

This week, encourage your child to try their hand at publishing their own book.  If they are visual, try out Story Bird. It is a great website where anyone can create their own story and select the art to go with it.
Here is a cool one I found to check out: Patrick's Not-So-Perfect Party. Ms. Sherry is going to start working on her own stories soon as well!

Again, congratulations to Yohannes and Jordan for becoming our class reps.  Here they are soon after our first meeting last week.

The SGA created a voting bulletin board about the election and students will get to vote by the end of this week after getting a little more information.  We have talked a lot over the past few weeks about electing officials and being informed citizens.  Please consider talking to your child about the election and taking them with you when you go o the polls on November 6.

I heard about a lot of great community service project ideas!  Students are bagging and carrying groceries, raking leaves, picking up litter in parks, working at shelters and food banks and holding yard sales to donate the profits!  I can't wait until the end of the month for students to share their experiences!

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