Thursday, September 26, 2013


Parents and Students,

As my students know, ScootPad is a new site we discovered this year and decided to take for a trial run.  My 30 day trial membership to this site expires next week.

I would like your feedback and so would Ms. Austin as far as a school membership is concerned!  Is this site worth keeping?  An annual classroom membership costs $145 for the year. I know some of my students enjoyed using this at home and doing lessons to earn rewards.  Please take some time to explore the site across this week/weekend and e-mail me or comment below to let me know your thoughts about ScootPad.

Scoot Pad Link


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Week 5 Reminders

Wow!  Halfway through marking period 1! As always, I can never get over how quickly the school year zips by.  On Friday there is early release.  I will work on Interim reports to update you on your child's progress and they will come home next week.  Please feel free to contact me with questions.

We reviewed last week's math challenge yesterday.  I apologize that we do not have any pictures to share of our solutions.  Many children were able to solve the different equations- a great little introduction to algebraic concepts.  We discussed why these problems had only one solution and so many of our other challenge problems have had multiple solutions. 

Some students are still struggling a bit with subtraction.  Consider creating an account for your child on Kahn Academy (link at the left) and having them view some of the tutorials and do some of the practice examples.

Some quick reminders:
  • At this point in the marking period, you student should have turned in at least 1 reading chart.  By October 30, students need to have turned in 3 reading charts.
  • The Marking Period 1 Homework Project will be assigned next week.  Nightly homework will be shortened to allow time to work on the project across the month of October.  Please e-mail me with questions.
  • Please place all Scholastic Book Orders by this Friday. The link to order online is at the left of this page.  You can also send in cash and I will place your order for you.
  • All Spirit Wear orders are due next Friday. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Great site!!!

The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives is a great site we have used in class to practice addition and subtraction.  It also has many other useful manipulatives and games you can use with your child at home.  Happy exploring!!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Forces of Motion

Last week, we did many experiments related to forces of motion.  Students designed simple set-ups around the classroom to make their group's bouncy ball display different types of motion: changing direction/speed, stopping and starting motion.

Later on in the week, we went outside and experimented with how balls rolled across a variety of surfaces- the blacktop vs. the grass vs. the wood chips on the playground. When we came inside, they worked in groups to design a ramp covered in a different material (tin foil, felt, sandpaper, etc.) to complete multiple trials using balls of different weights and sizes.

Students focused on working cooperatively, making a plan and ensuring everyone got a turn, testing and observing and being prepared to share their results with the class.

This week, we will focus on gravity and friction in science.  Ask them if they can name one of Newton's 3 Laws of Motion. Have them show you our Tinkerball invention game!

Math Challenge #2!

Today we spent time going over last week's math challenge in class.  We found that many students had tried all different combinations of numbers and only a few found solutions.  VERY few found multiple solutions.  In all, our class identified 3 solutions, though there could be more!!!

One thing to focus on for this week: Reading directions carefully before thinking about how we might solve a problem. Many students used zero in thier solution or repeated digits.  The directions did not say either one was allowed.

This week, the third grade team discussed ensuring that this Rigor/Challenge homework is something that is meaningful for our students to complete and is not frustrating to our students.  We expect it to be something they need assistance with and hope that as we continue to work through them each week, our students will become skilled problem solvers!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Math Challenge homework- Solution #1!

This year, every grade level is giving a challenge homework math problem to students that they are given a week to solve at home with support.  This is the build on students' problem solving and critical thinking skills and to provide an extra boost of rigor to our regular, nightly homework.  These problems will often have multiple steps and more than one possible solution. Time is taken each Monday to read it through together and give students a basic understanding of the problem presented.  On Fridays, students get the opportunity to share their strategies and solutions with the class. Please assist your child in completing this each week.
I am going to try and post some solutions and work samples each week to let you see the things we are doing in class!

Last week, the problem was entitled, "Twenty Divided Into Six".The problem read, "Katie had a pack of twenty cards numbered from 1 to 20 She arranged the cards into unequal piles. The numbers on the cards in each pile added to the same total. What was the total and how could this be done?"

On Monday, we shared key vocabulary terms and their definitions so that students would be ready to go home and work on a solution.
On Friday, we laid out cards with the digits on them and began to manipulate them and problem solve together.  After trying some unsuccessful "Magic Numbers", student shared and showed some of the solutions they found at home using the cards in front of the whole class.
Here are two samples of how some of our students and their families solved the problem:

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Welcome back to school!!!

I am excited to be staring this second week of school with my new class of students!!!

Currently, we are doing many things at the beginning of this new school year. We have been reviewing the three school rules and creating our classroom rules.  We have been talking about our school's core values and what they each mean.  We have summed up our core values with the acronym "Penguin PRIDE":
Any student who memorizes these 5 core values gets an extra coupon and prize on Friday!  There is a bulletin board outside of our classroom to serve as a reminder.

In math, we are learning all about rounding numbers- both to the nearest hundred and also to the nearest 10.  By the end of this week, students should be able to do both with accuracy.  You may want to have them practice with their new ScootPad account- I have set up a rounding practice for them to complete.  ScootPad is something I have joined as a trial user and I would like the students to explore across this month.

In reading, we are testing students' current reading levels, beginning reading groups and studying the genre of Realistic Fiction.

I hope to see you all at Back to School Night next Wednesday, September 11 at 7pm.  Please take some time to explore my blog before you come to see some of the great things we did last year in Grade 3.