Monday, September 16, 2013

Forces of Motion

Last week, we did many experiments related to forces of motion.  Students designed simple set-ups around the classroom to make their group's bouncy ball display different types of motion: changing direction/speed, stopping and starting motion.

Later on in the week, we went outside and experimented with how balls rolled across a variety of surfaces- the blacktop vs. the grass vs. the wood chips on the playground. When we came inside, they worked in groups to design a ramp covered in a different material (tin foil, felt, sandpaper, etc.) to complete multiple trials using balls of different weights and sizes.

Students focused on working cooperatively, making a plan and ensuring everyone got a turn, testing and observing and being prepared to share their results with the class.

This week, we will focus on gravity and friction in science.  Ask them if they can name one of Newton's 3 Laws of Motion. Have them show you our Tinkerball invention game!

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