Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Homework Assignment!!!

I spoke to many parents about the new math curriculum this week at conferences. I stumbled upon this video tonight and I think this teacher does a great job of putting many of my thoughts on Common Core math into words.

I know it can be frustrating, but I truly see students who are better equipped to think deeply about math and give quality explanations for their strategies.  It is certainly going to take some time for everyone to adjust- students to have received the curriculum in each grade level, teachers who are experts on all of these strategies and at building this conceptual understanding, and parents who feel capable and empowered to continue to work with their children at home, but we are on the way!

Please watch it and share your thoughts!

Here is the link to the video.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Fresh New Start!!!

Oh no!!! I've been having some blog troubles and can't seem to upload any of my awesome pictures of my students working super hard!  I'll report the problem to google and add some pics soon- but since I wrote this post LAST WEEK it is time to finally give up for now and just post it.

It is hard to believe it is the beginning of marking period 2.  Last week and this week, we will spend talking about setting an important academic goal for marking period 2 and monitoring progress across the next ten weeks.

I'm very excited to meet with all parents on November 10th and 11th and discuss your child's progress. These meetings are so important in ensuring we work together to help move your child towards excellence in all areas and ensure their school experience is the best. If you haven't already sent me back your form letting me know if you can make your conference time, please do so this week.  I am making my best effort to find a time that works for every parent. Now that I've had this blog for a few years, check out some of my tips to help your child at home based on past conferences here and here.

We've done some interesting things to wrap up marking period 1- including learning some new math games and centers during our multiplication unit and building simple vehicles in science. See photos coming soon!