Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Fall Festival!!!

We all had a great time last week wrapping up Marking Period 1 and celebrating the Fall Festival on Friday afternoon.

Many students' project were outstanding and we all enjoyed having each and every member of our class come up and tell us all about their community service experience. Many in and out of school projects are now displayed in the hallway outside of our classroom! Check them out when you come in next week for conferences!

Thank-you to Mrs. Mir, Mrs. Vazquez and Mrs. Rosa who all came in and helped out with our successful Fall Festival. We played Autumn BINGO, created cool leaf print with a marble effect, enjoyed some treats and finally some team games and dancing! It was a great time!

Each week, I am taking the time to check out Learn2Earn, with all of the kids, and reward students who are reading! This week, 6 students earned certificates for a free personal pizza from Pizza Hut. Students are expected to read for 100 minutes each night and answer 4 questions (or prompts) about their writing. If your child does not have access to the Internet, they should be logging their reading on a reading chart and answering 4 prompts per week in their (purple) Spelling/Reading Notebook. Please ensure your child reads each and everyday and let me know if you need assistance in understanding these assignments!

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