Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Preparing for Conferences

As we all prepare for conferences across the next two days, I look forward to meeting with all parents and guardians and sharing important information about the students' progress. Attached are some helpful blog posts I've written in previous years- this one discusses strategies and resources to help your child at home if they are struggling. This one also gives a lot of tips and resources from the county.

Conferences are tough because we only have 2 half days to meet with all parents. Please feel free to contact me to set up more time to talk if you do not get to share everything and get all of your questions answered in the 15 minutes provided.

This year, we are having a special "Math and Reading Night" to give parents and kids some fun and interactive things they can be doing at home to help their child succeed here at school. It is next Wednesday, November 18. Pizza will be served at 6:30 pm and the free event for parents and kids begins at 7 pm.

Hope to see you all there!

Here are DJ and Caden in small group working hard to relate multiplication and division through fact families!!!

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