Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Week 3 Wrap Up

Last week was busy in Grade 3! We had a very successful Back to School Night on Wednesday with a presentation about our new curriculum, report card and grading system and new behavior management system.  If you missed it or you would like the chance to look it over in more detail, go to the school website and look under "Classrooms", then "Grade 3" and you will see the link to our power point presentation. Please feel free to contact me, my e-mail is at the bottom of the site.

We did so many things last week but two of the most exciting were during science in our study of forces of motion.  We were able to borrow a cart of laptops from the media center and explore a website where students got to create a maze- practicing moving objects around and observing how objects bounce and move. The students had to use trial and error to achieve their goal. Ask them to show you how to play "Tinker Ball"- the link is at the lower left of the screen. Another day, we used many objects in groups to experiment with how we can change an object's motion and different ways to describe objects in motion.

All in all, it was a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    Thanks for the update. If you could provide a link for the reading charts, it would be really great. As a suggestion, it would also be nice to update parents on any deadlines as well, such as SGA submissions.


    Sharidan Carrillo
