Saturday, September 22, 2012

Wonderful Week Four!

Hello students and parents!

This week we have learned a lot of facts about gravity!  Ask your child to tell you something they have learned.  We especially enjoyed learning about our weight on different planets- there is a link below to a fun website where students can check out what their weight would be in the other planets of our solar system.

In social studies, we have continued to talk about democratic principles and are beginning to really focus on our main project for the quarter- contributing to the common good.  Ask your child what it means to contribute to the common good.  We have been reading and learning about kids who are able to help people in their community.  Later this quarter, students will be planning their own community service projects- group projects at school and individual projects as part of their homework.

To enjoy Fitness Friday and the beautiful weather, we played "Butterfly Tag" outside- a great way to get exercise for our brains and our bodies!

Some important reminders:
-If you'd like to order scholastic books, the last day is Friday, September 28.  The link to order online is below.
-Send in any slips to subscribe to Highlights magazine or Puzzlemania by Friday as well. You will be billed directly.
-If you are running for SGA, speeches and posters are also due by Friday, 9/28.
-There is no school Wednesday and a half day Friday- we are half way through the first marking period- its flying by!
-In week 5 (9/24), you may begin seeing incomplete classwork coming home to be done as homework.

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