Monday, September 10, 2012

Welcome to Grade 3!

We are off to a great start this year in Grade 3! Currently, my class has 18 students- 9 boys and 9 girls. During this first three weeks of school, we have been working on developing our classroom rules and routines. We have begun a rigorous new curriculum, a new behavior management system and a new grading policy as well. In reading, I have been able to test each student's reading level while doing whole-class instruction on inferencing and point of view.  This week, we will be focusing on starting our small reading groups. In writing, we have begun writing a personal narrative about a good deed we have done. In science, we began the year talking about stress and strengths and weaknesses and now we are being a unit of study on forces of motion. In social studies, we have been studying American Democratic Principals and discussing rules and laws. In math, we are currently working on addition and subtraction to 1,000 and are using rounding to make good estimates. I am so excited to be off to a great start for a wonderful new school year! The theme of much of what we are doing right now in all subject areas is collaboration and doing things for the common good and all of our Penguins have been working together productively every day!

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