Monday, September 15, 2014

Sliding into September!

It is hard to believe that this is the fourth week of school and next week we'll have a half day so I can create interim reports for parents and students to look at! 

This week, students have their first spelling group word list.  Students are responsible for learning all of the words on the list.  They will be tested on Friday on a randomly selected ten words.  Students now have their nightly spelling homework written out in a chart that is glued into the back of their agenda books.  Spelling homework will be consistent from week to week.  Students will need a dictionary or online resource on a weekly basis to complete the homework. We'll also be doing activities to practice the words in class.

This week in science, students used classroom materials to design a way to make an object (a bouncy ball) change motion.  Student groups were assigned different changes in motion (direction, speed, stop, start) and worked together collaboratively to come up with a way to demonstrate this change to the class.  Below are pictures of the students working on the designs:

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