Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Welcome to a new school year!!!

We are off to a great start this year in Grade 3.  The students and I spent a lot of time last week discussing and creating rules and procedures for our classroom and the school building. We also began our study of rounding to the nearest ten and hundred and examined patterns on the addition table. We read a wonderful school story called Crow Boy and discussed the character's traits, feelings and point of view. We will continue to read realistic fiction books throughout the first half of marking period 1.

This is the third year that I am keeping a classroom blog. I use it to send out important information and announcements to parents and students.  Each year, I have gotten positive feedback about how much parents enjoy seeing photographs and work samples posted here to get a window into their child's school day. I only post student pictures and work sample with permission and I never include last names, etc. Please check out what the blog has been like for the past two years by reading some of my older posts using the tabs on the right side of your screen.  Soon, you will receive a permission slip coming home and you can decide if you'd like your child included in my postings or not.

Please plan to attend Back to School Night next Wednesday, September 10th.  I have a presentation for parents planned with information all about our curriculum and expectations for the school year.  I look forward to seeing all parents then!

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