Monday, September 22, 2014

Wrapping up Addition and Subtraction!

Across the next two weeks, we will wrap up our review of addition and subtraction.  Although this was a review of grade 2 material, we did introduce some new and interesting strategies that can be used to add and subtract.  We also focused on strategies that help us to be most accurate and efficient!

Here are some pictures of students demonstrating strategies they know to the class.  Raquel practiced the "Counting Up Algorithm" of subtraction at home with her mom and came in and taught it to the whole class!

Very shortly, we will be diving into multiplication and division!  Your child needs to have a strong foundational mastery of addition and subtraction basic facts to be successful in this area! Each Friday, we take a timed basic facts quiz.  Currently, the goal is that your student can complete 50 addition facts with accuracy in 2 minutes. In a few weeks, we'll do a few subtraction timed quizzes and then we will begin the work of beginning to memorize our multiplication facts.  You should see these quizzes coming home each Friday in your student's take home folder.  If the quiz is not complete, this is a good indication that your child needs to spend 5-10 minutes each night drilling these facts through flashcards, worksheets and online games. Please contact me if you need support in this area.

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